Douleurs endométriose
Les Ondes Acoustiques sont INDOLORES et ont des effets anti inflammatoires et antalgiques remarquables. La douleur gynécologique en fait partie. Les règles deviennent beaucoup moins douloureuses ou très supportables sans traitement complémentaire le plus souvent.
Le traitement est efficace dans un temps très court:
4 à 6 séances, indolore; externe; Pas d’ altérations tissulaires adjacentes - utilisé depuis 4 ans avec - que - des excellents – ou très bons résultats.
Juste méconnu car «time consuming».
Chaque séance dure 30 minutes
Les indications:
Douleurs de règles - endométriose stades 1 & 2, avec localisations Ligaments utero sacrés – Adenomyose utérine – endométriose utérine.
Les effets sur l’amélioration de la fertilité sont probables, mais ne sont pas encore démontrés.
2019; Endometriosis treatment with shock waves: A novel approach; PMID: 30798904 ; Abstract:There is a need for a less invasive treatment. We suggest the application of shock wave therapy (SWT) to endometriotic nodules (including deep infiltrating endometriosis), endometriomas and adenomyosis.
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for treating primary dysmenorrhea: A randomized controlled trial Ruirui Xing 1 PMID: 33592837; Abstract: …The pain severity and duration significantly decreased in all groups after interventions….. The menstrual blood volume reduced slightly after intervention : The rESWT applications …. safely and effectively reduced the menstrual pain, which was not associated with the prostaglandin changes. The rESWT-reduced pain seemed equally effective with the intervention applied during the follicular phase or luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
Instant analgesic effect of radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy on primary dysmenorrhea according to functional magnetic resonance imaging: study protocol for a randomized placebo-controlled trial Shanshan Liu; PMID: 32046753 ; 2020 : Primary dysmenorrhoea (PDM) is defined as a series of pain-dominated symptoms during and after menstruation without organic lesions. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oral contraceptives are usually recommended as first-line therapy for the clinical treatment of PDM, but… Radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy (rESWT) ….confirmed effect in improving pain symptoms. …. The main results will be used to assess the efficacy of rESWT