Résultats préliminaires et espoirs des ondes de choc en Gynécologie
Physique de l’onde de choc

Effets tisulaires
Aesthet Surg J. 2008 Sep-Oct;28(5):538-44. doi: 10.1016/j.asj.2008.07.011.
Improvement in skin elasticity in the treatment of cellulite and connective tissue weakness by means of
extracorporeal pulse activation therapy.
Christ C1et al.
BACKGROUND:......age-related connective tissue weakness in the extremities, ............
RESULTS:....Skin elasticity values gradually improved over the course of EPAT therapy and revealed a 73%
increase at the end of therapy. .......At 3- and 6-month follow-ups, skin elasticity had even im- proved by 95%
and 105%,
CONCLUSIONS:....stimulation of microcirculation and improvement of cell permeability. Ultrasound
evaluation demonstrated increased density and firmness in the network of collagen/elastic fibers in the dermis
and subcutis. Treatment was most effective in older patients with a long history of cellulite.
Extracorporeal shockwave: mechanisms of action and physiological aspects for cellulite, body shaping,
and localized fat—Systematic review
Débora A. Oliveira Modena et al ...
Internationnal jal Surgery ; Pages 314-319 | RJul 2017
........ Fifteen articles were identified in that systematic review, three of which were excluded as t.........
Discussion:.... There is growing evidence that both, radial as well as focused ESWT and the combina- tion of
both are able to improve the degree of cellulite.
Improvement in Skin Elasticity in the Treatment of Cellulite and
Connective Tissue Weakness by Means of Extracorporeal Pulse
Activation Therapy
Christophe Christ, et al. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 28, Issue 5, 1 September 2008, Pages 538–544,

Immediately after the last of 6 EPAT treatment sessions, the skin tissue has become measurably more compact, indicating a strengthening of the connective tissue.
Echo-free interspaces (black) have been reduced.
Effets cellulaires
Cell biological effects of mechanical stimulations generated by focused extracorporeal shock wave
applications on cultured human bone marrow stromal cells
FrankSuhra12 YvonneDelhassea13 GerdBungartzab45 AnnetteSchmidtac16 KurtPfannkuched78 WilhelmBlocha9 Stem Cell Research; September 2013, Pages 951-964
Cellules Souches
...........Of all conditions tested, the fESW with an intensity of 0.2 mJ * mm- 2 was found to be an optimal
stimulation, combining maximal
induction of proliferation with minimal activation of apoptosis...........
fESW application proliferation rates about 75% greater than those of untreated cells, .....to last nearly 12 h post fESW treatment,........
.....increased hBMSC growth rates........
.......F-actin stress fibers in hBMSCs strongly depends on stress dose.
.......indicates a rearrangement of the cytoskeleton.......increased hBMSC migration
Induces de novo bone formation in vivo
... fESW have been shown to be a source of mechanical impacts and have been used success- fully in
regenerative cardiac medicine - Nishida et al., 2004
Radial shockwave treatment promotes human mesenchymal stem cell self-renewal and
enhances cartilage healing
Stem Cells International
Volume 2018, Article ID 1302672, 14 pages Efficient Promotion of Autophagy and Angiogenesis Using Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Enhanced by the Low-Energy Shock
Waves in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
Guan Qun Zhu,1 et al.
.....expressions of various proangiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and en- dothelial
nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), could be upregulated by DL-ESWT in diabetic mice.
.... enhance the recruitment of endothelial progenitor cells by upregulating stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)
in wound tissues [16].
.......promote the recruitment of endogenous progenitor cells and activation of Schwann cells, coinciding with
angiogenesis, tissue, and nerve generation (rat model of pelvic neurovascular injuries).
Effets vasculaires
2016 May;24(5):343-9. doi: 10.1007/s12471-016-0821-y.
Cardiac shockwave therapy in patients with chronic refractory angina pectoris
Vainer J1, et al .
Cardiac shockwave therapy (CSWT) might improve symptoms and decrease ischaemia burden by
stimulating collateral growth in chronic ischaemic myocardium. This prospective study was performed
to evaluate the feasibility and safety of CSWT..
One and 4 months after CSWT, sublingual nitrate use decreased from 10/week to 2/week (p < 0.01)
and the angina symptoms diminished from CCS class III to CCS class II (p < 0.01).
This clinical improvement was accompanied by an improved myocardial uptake on stress myo- cardial scintigraphy
(54.2 ± 7.7 % to 56.4 ± 9.4 %, p = 0.016) and by increased exercise tolerance at 4-month follow-up (from
7.4 ± 2.8 to 8.8 ± 3.6 min p = 0.015). No clinically relevant side effects were observed.
CSWT improved symptoms and reduced ischaemia burden in patients with end-stage coronary artery
disease without relevant side effects. ........
Le rationnel de la STIMULATION Chock Wave
La stimulation a un impact :
Direct Cellulaire : rapide
qui s’expliquerais par les actions sur les jonctions intercellulaires – modifications du cytosque - lette - microfilaments – microtubules – actine et myosine - transport des vésicules et ARNm
Indirect Tissulaire : retardé de 12 heures
action sur l’environnement cellulaire : relargage des hormones et facteurs de croissance stock- es permettant leur liaison aux recepteurs membranaires
(Ondes de CHOCK)
Les cofacteurs sont :
Facteurs de croissance (GFs) : indirect ; stock extra cellulaire et proteoglycans ; protéases
L’entrainement (Exercice Physique musculaire- Pelvi Center)
Hormones : stock extra cellulaire( neuro-Hormones – digestives -pancréatiques – glucocorticoïdes et sexuelles)
Métabolisme général (équilibre glucides – Lipides – protéines – O2-)